Fire Resistant Roof Systems
Is your home or business located in high fire risk, or WUI (Wildland Urban Interface) Area? Codes and Standards for these designated areas are geared towards fire prevention. There are requirements to have certain fire resistant materials in order to lower your risks.
Insurance companies are requiring these modifications if your home or building is not already in compliance. Performance Roofing specializes in installation of these fire prevention materials.
We always offer free estimates.
Basic requirements for WUI is that the exterior of the structure be ignition-resistant and be able to resist the entry of flying embers and fire radiation during a wildfire. Click here to visit the California Fire Hazard Severity Zones Map.
A noncombustible Class 'A' roofing assembly. Examples of these are: Metal, Tile, Slate.
Installation of gutter guards can help prevent debris from piling up inside your gutters. Micro mesh gutter guards prevent flying embers from landing inside the gutters.
Attic vents and underfloor vent openings must be fire resistant and have a minimum of 1/16" openings and a maximum of 1/8" openings of corrosion-resistant, noncombustible wire mesh or equivalent.
Chimney caps also usually have larger mesh that could benefit from having smaller mesh installed.
Performance Roofing installs all of these fire wise materials and we also specialize in installing copper gutter guards.